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Sean Speer: Academic historians won the History Wars and then forgot how to fight


Late last year The Hub was proud to publish a series of essays and podcast episodes that marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of Canadian historian Jack Granatstein’s best-selling book, Who Killed Canadian History?

These commentaries, which brought together the different perspectives of an academic historian, a young Ph.D. student, a high school teacher, a popular historian, and even Granatstein himself, were generally sympathetic to the book’s thesis that the growing insularity and parochialism of academic historians and a broader retreat from a popularized history of the country represent negative developments that in the ensuing quarter century have contributed to Canada’s attenuation, complacency, and lack of common purpose.

The series somewhat unexpectedly drew the attention and ire of academic historians invested in an anti-Granatsteinian conception of history and its aims and methods. There were claims that the articles were “misinformation”, “one-sided”, “bad faith,” and “truly horrible.” Critics of contemporary historical scholarship were told to simply “move on.”

It’s odd that the victors of the so-called “History Wars” seem so defensive in the face of moderate criticism. Their dominant position in the field faces no real threat. They have effective monopolies over admissions, hirings, and grant approvals. The Hub is in no position to seriously challenge their institutional hegemony or the prevailing ideology in today’s history departments. Yet they still responded to our modest series with incredulity, snark, and an unjustified sense of intellectual superiority. 

I was surprised that nearly a month after the series concluded, Donald Wright, a University of New Brunswick historian and president of the Canadian Historical Association, submitted an essay to us defending him and his colleagues. We’ve published it today. 

Readers will of course reach their own conclusions about Wright’s article and the broader academic reaction to The Hub’s series. But it strikes me that there’s something revealing about the intellectual insecurity of those who on the one hand have such a powerful hold over the entire academic edifice, including the Canadian Historical Association itself, but on the other hand seemingly feel threatened by a handful of essays published by an online news site. 

I’ll come to a possible explanation for this peculiar dichotomy in a moment but it’s worth establishing that they do indeed have a monopoly over the field. Perhaps the best (or worst) proof is the Canadian Historical Association’s 2021 statement that institutionally affirmed that Canada’s historical treatment of Indigenous peoples represented an act of genocide. There’s something inherently strange about the leading scholars in a field ostensibly committed to analysis and discovery stating that a particular historical question is settled. That the statement was unanimously supported by the association’s governing council clearly speaks to the extent to which the field is now marked by an ideological homogeneity. 

It’s not that there were no dissenters. More than fifty scholars—including Granatstein—signed a letter that contested the Canadian Historical Association’s institutional endorsement of a particular historical interpretation and rightly argued that it conflicted with the principle of viewpoint neutrality and effectively turned the association into an “activist organization.” 

In response, the dominant voices in the field relied on the same lazy attacks that The Hub has been subjected to rather than actually defending their position. The then-Canadian Historical Association’s president Steven High (who is a fellow Lakehead University history graduate) published his own statement that defended the association’s claims of genocide by arguing that the dissenting letter’s signatories were “(almost) entirely white” and guilty of “blind, callous, and unethical conduct.” There were also of course the same arguments (in fact, by the same scholars) that it’s “time to end the history wars.” 

To his credit, Wright’s submission to The Hub doesn’t tally the race or gender of our series contributors. But otherwise, his main argument isn’t particularly compelling. He essentially argues that the “broadening” of historical scholarship is a manifestly positive development that has, in the words of historian Ramsey Cook, expanded the “limited identities” that are part of Canada’s past and present. 

This is fair enough, but it’s a strawman argument. No one is really disputing that traditional lines of historical analysis shouldn’t be broadened or that there wasn’t room for new and idiosyncratic ideas and voices. The problem, in other words, isn’t the goal of greater inclusion per se. It’s that the goal of inclusion has itself become exclusionary. Certain stories and voices have been marginalized or abandoned altogether. 

In a past episode of The Hub Roundtable (which Wright says “stuck in [his] craw”), I specifically said the study of history for too long had been limited to a Whiggish version that narrowly studied politics and political leaders and that it is positive that we’ve seen efforts to broaden the stories and voices that are being told. I’ve personally benefited from the rise of the new histories, including works of business, immigration, and social historians. Years ago, I even gave a copy of Mariana Valverde’s masterful book, The Age of Light, Soap, and Water: Moral Reform in English Canada, 1885-1925, to former Prime Minister Stephen Harper as he was working on his early history of the Toronto Maple Leafs. 

Kayla Sutherland dances on the plinth after protesters pulled down the statue of Egerton Ryerson at Ryerson University, in Toronto on Sunday, June 6, 2021. Chris Young/The Canadian Press.

My contention is that legitimate efforts to broaden the field have resulted in an overcorrection that’s now far more dogmatic and ideologically hegemonic than anything that Granatstein aspired to. As the Canadian Historical Association’s statement on genocide and the reaction to The Hub’s series demonstrate, the champions of these intellectual trends have increasingly become the same kind of overbearing gatekeepers that they used to disapprove of.  

Which brings me back to the question: why? What explains the instinct to lash out at dissenters? 

I suspect that a big factor is counterintuitively a function of their own success in effectively taking over the field. As nationalist historians and conservative scholars have slowly yet steadily vanished from campus, the new historians’ ability to defend their ideas and perspectives has atrophied. That’s what happens when one is no longer forced to confront opposing arguments, competing preferences, or alternative normative groundings altogether. The art of persuasion has disappeared in today’s faculty lounge monoculture. What’s left are empty claims of bad faith, misinformation, or denialism. 

Wright has extended an invitation to Rudyard Griffiths and me to attend this year’s Canada Historical Association’s annual conference in Montreal to “see how Canadian history, and history in Canada, have been broadened.” Who he should really invite though is the signatories of the 2021 dissenting letter. Not only would they “broaden” the conference’s exchange of ideas, but their mere presence itself would force Wright and others to confront meaningful disagreement. Their weak and unpersuasive response to The Hub’s series on Who Killed Canadian History? shows that they need it. 

Sean Speer is The Hub's Editor-at-Large. He is also a university lecturer at the University of Toronto and Carleton University, as well as a think-tank scholar and columnist. He previously served as a senior economic adviser to Prime Minister Stephen Harper....

‘Society, we have a problem’: The best comments from Hub readers this week


This week in Hub Forum, readers discussed many topical and pertinent issues, including the role of international students in keeping institutions afloat, how American culture wars are reflected in Canadian reporting, the increase in businesses going bankrupt and the lack of new ones emerging, and the rising trend of student absenteeism.

The goal of Hub Forum is to bring the impressive knowledge and experience of The Hub community to the fore and to foster open dialogue and the competition of differing ideas in a respectful and productive manner. Here are some of the most interesting comments from this past week.

Sign up for our daily Hub Forum email newsletter today.

Are international students keeping Canadian universities afloat?

Monday, January 22, 2024

“I remember having this discussion when I was a student decades ago, and there were a LOT of people who felt that because International students were paying double for tuition than what local students were paying that they were indeed keeping Canadian universities afloat. Many felt that international students were also ‘favoured’ because they paid more.”


“The major issue is that the boards of so many of our institutes of higher learning are spending on programs and departments that have no marketable value. The boards need to start getting rid of wasted resources so that expenses are in line with revenues.”

— Vance Petersen

What a U.S. culture war story tells us about Canadian media

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

“If race and gender are accepted considerations and are in fact celebrated, it raises the possibility that someone attained their position at least in part due to their ‘identity.’ It can put the question in peoples’ minds and is a disservice to those who achieved their position by merit.”

— Gord Edwards

“Perhaps it has always been thus, but there seems to be an erosion of principles, specifically having them, let alone adhering to them, when the demands of one’s tribe are felt or other costs are required. This seems to be the case at the personal, institutional, and societal levels.”

— Paul Attics

The (one hundred) million dollar question: What is a journalist?

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

“If one looks at the video, the approach of Mr. Menzies to Chrystia Freeland seems rude and a little scary, and this accounts for some of the reaction. However, I would think this goes with the territory as she may not be otherwise available to him. Perhaps the latter is the main question: to what extent do publications with opposing viewpoints have access to government policy-makers in Canada?”

— Karen Quinton

“The secret sauce for the salvation of the industry is not secret. Listen to your audience, have a discussion with them and not a lecture, and talk about what they think is important, not what your colleagues or the special interest groups and nonprofits that clog up your inbox focus on.”

— Hugh Nicholson

“In a healthy and democratic society, the market for effective journalism would likely also be healthy. Sure, disingenuous agenda journalists and attention-mongers would ply their trade, but their audience would be commensurately small.

However, in a society in which many fellow citizens feel unheard, scared, disrespected, and ultimately angry, the market for journalism will be unhealthy as people with this chronic state of mind are more likely to want what panders to these feelings. This quickly becomes a flywheel of negativity, distrust, and falsehood as agenda journalists are rewarded with more and more attention by their tribe. This, of course, becomes an opportunity for disingenuous attention-mongers to also ply their trade successfully to bigger and bigger audiences. Their goal is only attention for monetary gain and personal power reasons. Even worse, there are those whose real goal is to disrupt society. These folks are trying to bring it all down.

Our society is unhealthy, despite all our riches of peace and prosperity, and our citizenry is increasingly spending attention on bad actors. We are all the worse for it.”

— Paul Attics

Business bankruptcies have soared. The bad news is many aren’t being replaced

Thursday, January 25, 2024

“In my opinion, which is shared by many other entrepreneurs, the banking system in Canada is one of the main barriers impeding the growth of new businesses. The risk tolerance of Canadian banks is so low, that a new business cannot get enough lift (financially speaking) to carry them to the stage where a bank would even consider offering a line of credit.”

— Greg Jackson

“In Canada, small business owners know that they can’t turn to the banks for help unless they are willing to pledge personal assets to secure credit. The banks here only want to help when you don’t really need it. So hence was born the idea that you go to the bank for money when you don’t need it because one day it may be needed and they won’t give it to you then.”

— Michael F

Is schooling becoming optional?

Friday, January 26, 2024

“There are laws on the books which school boards can use to ensure that parents have their children at school. It seems provincial authorities are loathe to use the laws they have. It is useless to talk about ‘back to basics’, as many provincial ministers of education are, and then not make sure that the students are in the classrooms. Unless students are convinced of the value of education early in life, it doesn’t stick later in life.”

A. Chezzi

“Children are suffering from an alarming increase in anxiety-related conditions. The pandemic response made this worse, but it was already happening. Obviously, anxiety correlates with absenteeism, and, as such, an increase in the former means an increase in the latter.

Society, we have a problem.”

Paul Attics

The Hub Staff

The Hub’s mission is to create and curate news, analysis, and insights about a dynamic and better future for Canada in a single online information source.
