In The Know

Inflation fears or inflated fears? What will the post-pandemic world bring?

If there’s one thing people the world over have been looking forward to, it’s post-pandemic life. Will it be like the Roaring Twenties as more than a year’s worth of pent up energy and consumer spending gets unleashed?

Or will people be obliged to pay off their debts, driving prices down? Will it converge with other existing trends, such as an aging demographic, increased health care costs, and a shrinking labour force to accelerate long-term inflation levels, or is that an unlikely scenario?

Some are worried. Among them is Manoj Pradhan, the founder of Talking Heads Macroeconomics, who joins the Munk Debates podcast (moderated by The Hub’s own Rudyard Griffiths) to lay out his case that increasing inflation is indeed a genuine concern. 

David Rosenberg, President and Chief Economist & Strategist of Rosenberg Research & Associates Inc., doesn’t buy it. He argues as a skeptic against the notion of some looming inflationary disaster, saying these fears have been overblown. 

Is the world poised for surging rates of increased inflation? Should Canadians be worried about rising prices for years to come? Check out the episode to hear the full cases for and against.

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