Readers in Hub Forum this week had discussions on Canada’s lost economic decade, whether Pierre Poilievre’s recent comments are as anti-business as they seem, why Trudeau should stand up to TikTok, and how Canada is viewed by allies and enemies.
The goal of Hub Forum is to bring the impressive knowledge and experience of The Hub community to the fore and to foster open dialogue and the competition of differing ideas in a respectful and productive manner. Here are some of the most interesting comments from this past week.
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Canada cannot afford another lost economic decade
Monday, March 11, 2024
“Even if governments invested enough in infrastructure, the amount of spending required just to run in place as the population grows cuts into the apparent economic benefits of immigration. A ‘population trap’ isn’t just about a failure to invest or a mismatch, but about the share of GDP that is required just to maintain the amount of infrastructure (and private capital) per person. At some point it’s just not sustainable, and it’s not a coincidence that Canada’s growth rate puts it on par with much poorer countries.”
— Valerie
“All across Canada our economy is running on building housing and government-financed infrastructure to house and move all the newcomers around. Nowhere is there increases in private sector economy.”
— Kim Morton
Is Poilievre as anti-business as he seems?
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
“Although economic theory is a complicated area and economists tend (at least try) to keep it that way, ordinary folk (those who physically work hard and get grease on their hands) tend to view economics in terms of how big their paycheque is vis-a-vis how much does it cost to survive. They ponder: can they afford to feed and clothe their family? Can they afford to purchase a home? Can they afford a new car? Can they afford an annual family vacation? Can they afford to provide recreational programs for their kids?”
— Ernest
It’s time for Trudeau to stand up to TikTok
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
“Good luck trying to ban or moderate social media platforms; the horse was out of the barn a long time ago. Whether it is the direct influence of governments or their proxies using AI, bots, and troll farms, social media is awash in propaganda and misinformation. The only answer is to educate people.”
— Michael F
Our enemies and allies alike have realized that Canada is an easy mark
Thursday, March 14, 2024
“The more disturbing issue is the Liberal government’s propensity for covering up any details of foreign interference in our agencies or elections. An experienced person would think they had something to hide.”
— Don Morris
“Citizens should be concerned about our seeming utter lack of maturity in our information security capabilities. The government’s puzzling obfuscation and lack of communication on this topic is enough to warrant such concern.”
— Paul Attics
You are right to be worried about Canada’s economy
Friday, March 15, 2024
“Wouldn’t those families who are being ousted from their apartment/house and walking the streets of Canada be delighted to be offered an affordable place.”
— Harriet Worden
“There is enough in Canada for everyone. Society will not be enriched unless the least among us is enriched.”
— A. Chezzi
“Housing is a pretty good example of continued (although disguised) scarcity being pushed as a climate solution, and even of the implication that the solution to scarcity is just dialing down expectations. I often see it claimed that the only solution is to densify cities because dense housing uses less energy to heat and cool. But dense housing (especially high-rises) is typically less energy efficient than a detached house or townhouse once adjusted for size. The ‘benefit’ comes from people being forced to accept smaller units because of high prices. Small detached houses would have the same energy-saving benefits, and also be much cheaper to build (letting families work less or spend on other things). Still some amount of sacrifice, but at least one with an upside.”
— Valerie
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