‘Political Gimmicks’: The Hub’s take on Freeland’s Shakespearian betrayal of a resignation letter


Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland speaks in front of Prime Minister Trudeau in Vancouver, March 27, 2024.

This morning, mere hours before she was set to deliver an already delayed fall economic statement, Chrystia Freeland handed in her resignation letter. The move can be seen as an effort to deliver maximum damage to her once-close confidante of a decade Prime Minister Trudeau. Some might say the deputy prime minister’s cruel act of betrayal is worthy of a Shakespearian drama. So, we at The Hub thought it would be worth presenting her resignation letter to the wise ChatGPT scribes, asking the AI authors to perform the words of her final act through Macbethian lips.

Most noble and sovereign duty it hath been,
To serve in counsel for this land and kin.
For Canada and her folk, much have we wrought,
And through toil and triumph, wisdom hath been sought.

But lo, upon this past day’s solemn tide,
Thou hast declared my service set aside.
Another post within thy Cabinet offered,
Yet, after deep reflection, truth is proffered:

I see no course, save this most honest choice,
To resign my place, with a steady voice.
For lo, a Minister must speak with thy grace,
And bear thy trust with honour in this place.
Yet thou hast shown, by word and sovereign mien,
That thy confidence in me is no more seen.

In these past weeks, ‘tis plain we are at odds,
On how best to steer this nation through the gods
Of chance and peril, now that yonder shore
Doth bear a neighbour bold, whose schemes roar.

A grave and mighty tempest looms ahead,
Their tariffs, like swords, hang o’er our heads.
To guard our fate, we must in prudence stand,
Keep fiscal stores secure, a ready hand.
We must eschew base acts that pander blind,
For such folly clouds the judgment of mankind.

Nay, we must rise against “America First,”
And turn their might to naught, their schemes reversed.
Through steadfast toil, let capital find its berth,
And plant here jobs that honor our land’s worth.
With faith and grace, the provinces unite,
And forge a Team Canada in shared fight.

Forsooth, I know Canadians wise shall see,
The merit in our steadfast unity.
They know when rulers toil for their good,
And sense when self-interest is understood.
Our time in rule shall meet its mortal end,
But how we face this threat, our legacy doth depend.

Let strength, wisdom, and unity entwine,
And Canada’s name in glory shall shine.
This creed hath been my compass through the years,
Guiding my hand ‘midst triumphs and fears.

Though I resign my station with solemn care,
I remain a servant true, a voice to bear.
As humble Member of Parliament, I stand,
And seek anew my place within this land.

Thus, I take leave, yet with a heart most proud,
For the work we’ve wrought ‘neath heaven’s shroud.

With gratitude,

The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, P.C., M.P.


ChatGPT assisted in the creation of this poem.

The Hub Staff

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